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Why is job searching so hard?
We know today's job market is tough. Below is a list of the top challenges
job seekers face when seeking a new job opportunity.

Did you know that the average job ad receives 250+ applications.

87% of recruiters are on LinkedIn. Is your LinkedIn optimized to present you as a strong candidate?

Skills Mismatch
90% of employers report struggling to find candidates with the "right skills."

Professional Brand
41% of employers say that they will not select a candidate if they cannot find them online.

Résumé Format
Recruiters look at your resume for about 5-7 seconds. Does your resume pass the 5-7 second glance test?

65% of all jobs are obtained from (word of mouth) networking.
Why our résumés work
Show you are qualified within a 5-7 second glance.
At least three different audiences will review your résumé. We craft our résumé to captivate:
1. The gatekeepers (recruiter or HR)
2. The ATS system
3. The big bosses themselves
When crafting an improved résumé, we incorporate industry-specific keywords, ensure correct formatting, appropriate allocation of white space, and adhere to numerical syntax. Furthermore, we subject it to ATS software for thorough evaluation.
Eye Apeal
Employers want to know what you did and what were the results. We use quantifiable metrics to demonstrate the measurement of your success.
Our graphics are fresh and ATS-approved! With eye-popping 2D colors that get readers hooked. Studies show that 2D designs are proven to enhance engagement.

You get a dedicated Résumé Writer AND Career Coach
You'll receive personalized support and guidance from a skilled Advanced Résumé Writer and Career Coach to empower you throughout your job search.
At LECS, we know the job search journey is difficult. You will get the support and assistance you need to help you get the next job.